Thursday, July 14, 2016

Nachos with cheese sauce

1. Refined flour : 1 cup
2. Maize flour : 1cup
3. Turmeric powder : a pinch
4. Olive oil : 1 tbsp
5. Cumin powder : 1 tap

For cheese sauce
1. Cheese (Processed) : 1/2 cup
2. Milk : 1 cup
3. Refined flour : 1 tap
4. Butter : 1 tap
5. Oregano : a pinch

1. Mix refined flour and Maida flour. Add salt.
2. Heat olive oil and add turmeric powder. Cool and add to the flour mixture.
3. Add water, fresh ground cumin and make a semi soft dough.
4. Make equal portion balls and roll into chapatis.
5. Bake on tawa until half done.
6. Cut into equal sized triangles and either bake or deep fry.
7. Serve hot garnished with grated cheese and cheese sauce or salsa

For Cheese Sauce
1. Hear butter, add refined flour and make a roux.
2. Add milk and boil whisking continuously.
3. Add oregano and grated cheese, stir until cheese melts.

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