Monday, February 8, 2016

Fish n Chips

No of Servings : 2


Basa fish: 250 gms
HP Sauce : 1 tbsp
8 to 9 sauce: 1 tbsp
Tabasco sauce: 4/5 drops
Salt: to taste
White pepper powder : 1 tsp
American mustard: 1 tsp
Chpooed garlic: 1 tsp
Chopped celery : 1 tsp
Maida : 1 tbsp
Egg : 1
Rosemary : 1/2 tsp
Breadcrumbs : 100 gms
French fries
Tartar sauce


1. Clean and fillet basa fish.
2. Marinate with mustard, HP, 8 to 9, Tabasco sauce, salt, pepper and chopped garlic and celery.
3. Make a batter with maida, egg and water.
4. Add fish to the batter, coat with breadcrumbs and deep fry.
5. Serve hot with French fries and tartar sauce.

1. Make sure oil is not too hot for frying.
2. You can use pomfret or rawas instead of basa, but boneless.

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