Saturday, January 30, 2016


Refined Flour : 250 gms
Powder Sugar : 250 gms
Margarine : 250 gms
Eggs : 5
Caramel :3 tbsp
Honey : 2 tsp
Vanilla Essence : 1 tsp
Ginger Powder : 1 tsp
Cardamom Powder 1 tsp
Cinnamon Powder : 1 tsp
Cloves Powder 1 tsp
Nutmeg Powder :1/2 tsp
Salt : 1 tasp
Baking Powder : 1 tsp
Sodium bi carbonate : 1/2 tsp
Cashew nuts : 50 gms
Almonds : 50 gms
Black Raisins : 100 gms
Tutty Frutty : 100 gms
Dates : 50 gms
Dark Rum : 100 ml
Port Wine 20 ml

Please click on the following link

Friday, January 29, 2016


No of portions 04
Name of the ingredient
Prawns (Medium sized)
25 nos
Whole masoor
300 gms
Ginger garlic paste
2 tbsp
Green chilly paste
1 tsp
Coriander leaves
 Garam Masala                                                            Saunf
1 tsp
                                                                                         Cumin seeds (jeera)
½ tsp
                                                                                         Coriander seeds
½ tsp
2 sticks
                                                                                         Black cardamom
2 nos
                                                                                         Cloves (lavang)
½ tsp
                                                                                         Black pepper
½ tsp
1 tbsp
To deep fry

1.       Wash and clean the prawns. Marinade with salt, ginger garlic and green chilly paste and keep aside for half an hour.
2.       Soak the masoor overnight (at least 8 hours). Drain off the water and pass through a mixer and grind it until course (not fine)
3.       Dry roast the above mentioned garam masalas (without oil and make a fine powder.
4.       Mix besan and salt with the ground masoor and add the garam masala powder to it. Hus a very thick and course batter would be formed.
5.       Take small portion in your hand, make a well in the centre, put each prawn in the well and cover it by getting the sides on top and making sure that each prawn is well covered with the batter.
6.       Heat the oil and deep fry on a medium flame until the prawns are cooked. Remove from oil and drain off the excess oil on a tissue paper.
7.       Serve hot garnished with chopped coriander along with tomato ketchup.

Note : This recipe was shown on television (Zee Marathi) and a direct video has been attached to this blog



No of portions 04
Name of the ingredient

Beetroot (Medium sized)
1 no.
Basmati rice
2 tbsp
Mawa (Grated)
2 tbsp
Green cardamom powder
1 tsp
3/4th cup
Cashew nuts, Pista, Almonds
4 nos each


  • .    Soak the rice for 2 hours, drain and dry, grind to a very fine powder.
  • .    Grate the beetroot and mawa.
  • .    Chop the dryfruits fine and make green cardamom powder.
  • .    Heat the ghee in a thick bottomed pan, add the beetroot and sauté until it starts leaving oil (ghee).
  • .    Add milk and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame and add the grounded rice.
  • .    Stir it continuously with a whisk to ensure that no lumps are formed and cook the rice until tender.
  • .    Add sugar, cardamom powder, mawa and half of the dry fruits and mix for two more minutes.
  • .    Serve hot or cold garnished with chopped dry fruits.

Note : This recipe was shown on television (Zee Marathi) and a direct video has been attached to this blog

Thursday, January 28, 2016

SAMOSA -E- Ajab Gajab

No of Servings : 4


Maida : 250 gms
Ajwain : 1/2 tsp
Desi Ghee : 2 tbsp
Salt : To taste

Potatoes : 2 large
Green peas : 25 gms
Chopped ginger : 1 tsp
Chopped garlic : 1 tsp
Dhaniya jeera powder : 1 tsp
Garam masala powder : 1 tsp
Red chilly powder : 1 tsp
Salt : to taste
Oil : For tadka and Deep frying



  • Sieve maida and add salt and ajwain to it
  • Melt the ghee and add to the maida.
  • Rub it well with your fingertips until you form a bread crumb like texture.
  • Add water and knead well to form a hard dough. Make sure that it is not so hard not so soft.
  • Keep for resting for at least 10-15 minutes.


  • Boil peel and mash the potatoes. Make sure that you don't make a complete paste.
  • Boil the green peas
  • Heat oil, add chopped ginger and garlic and saute till the raw flavour is gone.
  • Add potatoes and green peas and mix well.
  • Add the masalas and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • Adjust salt and keep for cooling.
  • Make portions from the dough aa well as the mixture.
  • Roll it thin. Stuff the filling and make desired shapes as shown in the image above.
  • Deep fry till golden brown.
  • Serve hot with mint and tamarind chutney. (Refer to Mint Bhet for Recipe of Chutneys)
  • Kneading the dough with ice cold water will give you the desired texture.
  • Make sure you cook the green peas before you mix.
  • Fry the Samosas in very slow oil because there are chances of the final product getting burnt from top and remaining raw from inside.
Note : This recipe has been Exclusively designed by Chef Tanay. This image is original.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


No of Servings : 4
Puffed Rice : 200 gms
Sev : 30 gms
Onion : 1 Large
Tomato : 1 Large
Potato 1 Large
Mint Chutney : 1 to 2 tbsp
Tamarind Chutney : 3 to 4 tbsp
Chat Masala : 1 tsp
Salt : To taste

Green Chutney
Mint Leaves : 1/2 unch
Green Chillies : 2 to 3

Tamarind Chutney
Tamarind : 2 tbsp
Jaggery : 25 gms
Jeera Powder (Roasted) : 1 tsp
Salt / Black Salt : To taste


  • Boil the potato and cut into small cubes. Chop onion and tomato fine.
  • Dry roast the puffed rice (If it is not crispy) and cool it.
  • Mix all the above mentioned ingredients together and make bhel.
  • Serve garnished with sev.

Mint Chutney

  • Clean the mint leaves and green chillies.
  • Grind to a chutney by adding water only if required.
  • Adjust seasoning.                  
Tamarind Chutney
  • Boil Tamarind in about 200 ml water and reduce to half
  • Strain the water and squeeze the tamarind till it becomes dry.
  • Add other ingredients and add jaggery.
  • Adjust seasoning.
  • You can add peanuts and roasted Bengal gram as well
  • Green chutney can be modified by adding ginger and garlic.
  • Tamarind Chutney can be modified by adding Red chilly powder and dates.
  • Make sure that the Tamarind Chutney is this in consistency and Green Chutney is thick.
Note : This recipe has been designed exclusively by Chef Tanay. Coriander has not been included to the recipe as it is a Mint Bhel. 

By Chef Tanay Goregaokar

Monday, January 25, 2016


A simple way of making your friends happy.

Just remove a layer of your muffin, decorate it with Whipped or Butter Cream, Ganache & 

serve it this way.

By Chef Tanay Goregaokar